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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Jumping Up. Part VII - Separation Anxiety

Of course not every dog who displays frantic greeting behavior is suffering from separation anxiety. But pet parents should be aware that it could be one of the symptoms. And one of the many reasons why it is so imporant that we don't punish jumping up behavior. Punishing a stressed dog will just make the dog more stressed. Imagine a dog who is panicking while alone.  Who is overjoyed to see us when we finally get home. And we step on her feet, or spritz her or yell at him.

Excerpts from Malena DeMartini-Price's book "Treating Separation Anxiety In Dogs"
Mild-case separation anxiety dogs may leap about and even vocalize a bit when their owners return, but the key thing to notice is how quickly the dog is able to settle back down once the owner is present. 
You’ll also see an increase in severity of some of the symptoms discussed in the mild category, such as the excessive greeting behavior. Moderate case dogs may have considerable difficulty calming down after the owners return and may display quite wildly when the owner walks through the door. This is not just the usual “happy to see you” routine, but screaming, body hurling and other shenanigans beyond the norm, possibly lasting for ten minutes or more without reprieve.

What are some non frustrating ways that you use to keep your dog from jumping on people? Tell us about it in the comments section below

See all posts on jumping up here

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